10-8 Blog

The Benefits of Police Car Cameras

March 9, 2014 at 4:31:40 PM

There are two sides to every story. While in some cases it’s the perpetrator who may be at fault, some corrupt police officers may be easy victims to dishonest, brutal and prejudiced thoughts. As the current society is no longer in the age where the word of a person can be relied upon, taking on...

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How Police In-Car Cameras Helps the Department Fight Crime

March 9, 2014 at 4:30:57 PM

In the early 1900’s, several lawsuits were filed against patrolling agencies and the state police. The reason behind the lawsuits was the occurrence of racial profiling. These charges were strengthened by court findings and the trust the public placed in the police began to weaken. In an attempt to...

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Police In Car Video System Prevent Suspects from Escaping Custody

March 9, 2014 at 4:01:38 PM

It is not unusual for police officers to find themselves on the trail of a suspect who was in their custody a few minutes back. Police in car video systems helps capture the scene in front of the vehicle, which is what many see during news alerts and shows like Cops.If a suspect car does manage to e...

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