Warranty Parts Replacement Form

Please fill in the fields below to request a replacement for a defective part. Be sure to contact our Tech Support at 1-931-297-2292, and ask for Tech Support if you are not sure which part you need.Once we receive your request, a shipping label will be provided by E-mail. When we receive your part a replacement will be sent out to you within 1 business day.

Please note that we are no longer providing parts for the old 2 channel DVR system (Flip up SD Card Door). However, we will continue to support the 2.4 mic for as long as we have parts.

Please let us know if there is any way we can help. We will always provide free tech support for our items no matter the age.

We look forward to serving you in the future.












Please select a part and click the button to add it to your request.



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