How Police Dash Camera Systems are Making a Difference

police dash camera system

Police officers have one job and one job only: to serve and protect civilians of their community and the country at large. But this is no easy job. In light of recent controversy in the media, police departments are under even more pressure than usual, and performing their duties to the utmost is now more critical than ever. In order to ensure that officers of the law are doing their job appropriately and to regain the confidence of the public at large, there has been an increased call for regulatory measures.

Because of this, police departments are turning to in car camera systems and body cameras in order to protect the community in the most transparent means possible, while aiding the officers themselves in their goals to protect and serve the public. As of 2012, there were 780,000 officers in the U.S. police force, and is only expected to increase over the next two decades. And as this number grows, it’s crucial to ensure the safety of law enforcers and the public at large through better equipment like the body cams and car cameras.

Police dash camera systems help law enforcers and the community in many ways. Firstly, the cameras provide indisputable evidence for any criminal activity committed while the law officers are on the job. There is nothing more concrete than video evidence. Additionally, the footage provides training material for current and future police officers. Finally, the police dash camera systems provide a means of accountability for officers, ensuring that proper protocol is always being followed and that justice is always being served accordingly.

Police officers have an extremely difficult, thankless job. Providing 24-hour protection to individuals around them can quickly grow complicated or dangerous in only seconds. With 72% of police highway enforcing cars equipped with police dash cams and with that number growing, it is becoming a safer world out there for both civilians and the officers that serve to protect them.