In Car Dash Cameras: Protecting the Public and the Police

body cams With the recent surge in recorded instances of police misconduct, the public has called for, among other things, all police officers to wear “body cams” on their person. Body cams are small, portable cameras mounted on an officer’s chest or shoulder that can record everything in front of them. The purpose of these body cams is to provide clear evidence of what happens during any police confrontation. Although body cams are relatively new, in car dash cameras have been used by law enforcement for years. About 72% of state police and highway patrol vehicles are equipped with these cameras. In fact, from 2000 to 2003, the number of dash cams installed in police cars increased from 3,400 to 17,500. Police officers use the dash camera system for a number of reasons. Camera systems allow officers to review their conduct during any given police activity. It allows them to collect evidence for potential criminal activity. And most importantly, it enables officers to review proper procedure and to point out any potential wrongdoing for training purposes. The cameras also allow police departments to show police activity to the public if they so choose. They also, in a way, bolster public confidence in law enforcement, which could certainly use as much positive public relations as they can get! As of 2012, there are close to 800,000 police officers around the country. Brave men and women who devote (and even sacrifice) their lives for the public’s well-being. Police officers deserve the best, and despite the recent onslaught of negative attention police departments perform a necessary service. Police officers aren’t perfect, of course, just like no professional is perfect, and cops sometimes make mistakes. However, ultimately, police officers have a lot of responsibility on their hands, and should be provided with the very best tools for law enforcement. For this and so much more, dash cams are a critically important tool no police officer should be without.