Police Dash Cameras Protect the Public and the Police

dash camera Police cameras have never been more of a concern for police departments and the public at large. Recent cases of police abuse have captivated the national attention. This week, the tragic death of Walter L. Scott at the hands of former police officer Michael T. Slager (who is now charged with murder) has led to even more calls for body cameras for police. The mayor of North Charleston, where the shooting occurred, has ordered body cameras for the entire police force there. Body cameras as well as dash cameras are being called for from more than just worried civilians and the press. Police officers also benefit from camera systems. Various studies have shown that in car dash cameras improve the safety of police officers. After all, dash cameras allow law enforcement to not only review potential evidence of a crime but also review the procedures police officers follow. Police camera footage enables police departments throughout the country to evaluate officer performance during testing situations. They are able to offer critiques of any wrongdoing and they provide good training resources for future officers. They also permit police departments to show exactly what police officers are doing, improving public relations and transparency. Police officers perform a vital job for society and deserve the very best equipment, training, and support. The overwhelming majority of officers are professional, rational, and totally sincere in their oath of upholding the law. Though some police departments are under intense scrutiny as of late, that is still no reason to judge or even discriminate against police officers. Body and dash cams aren’t the perfect solution for our nation’s concerns about law enforcement but they can provide a vital step in repairing the fragile but precious relationship between the public and the officers who serve them. Feel free to leave a comment or question at the bottom for more information about police cameras.